Thursday, September 9, 2010

Oh, how He loves us so.

The other night I was driving home. It was around 8 o'clock and I was nearly home when I saw something fluffy on the side of the road. I looked over and there was a baby kitten curled up into a ball right there next to the street. I freaked out a little bit and was so afraid it would get hit, so I turned my car around and rushed back to get it. I picked up this little ball of fur and took her home with me. This kitty was so helpless and it made me sad to think that if I hadn't picked her up, she more than likely would have gotten run over. I immediately started obsessing over this kitty and named her Sophie. I went out that same night and bought kitten food. Trying to figure out what to do with Sophie was so frustrating because I knew I couldn't keep her. I was ever so quickly growing attached to Sophie. I ended up keeping her for about 5 days before I gave her to a no-kill cat shelter. It surprised me how much I had grown to love Sophie in the very short time I had her.

The experience reminded me of how God figuratively picked us up off the side of the road and saved us. Without Him, we wouldn't be where we are. It also gave me a little glimpse into God's love as well. How much I loved that little kitty isn't even a fraction of how much God loves us. His love is eternal and omnipresent. It's so comforting to know that the love God has for us is unwavering and unconditional. On this journey of life that we all take part in, we stumble every now and again. It's inevitable as the rain. We make mistakes that we would give anything to undo, but that doesn't change how God feels about us. He knows our heart. He knows who were, who we are, and who we are to be, and loves us anyway. How awesome! At some point, we all find ourselves on the side of the road, helpless and alone. Without hesitation, our Father scoops us up and pours out His love; the same way I did with Sophie. I hope you experience God's great love for you, for it's truly intoxicating.

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